... my other garden ;)

About Me

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I'm not a graceful person. I'm not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset. I am a Tuesday 2AM, I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis. I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen. The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don't see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


once written,
"I can be sincerely angry. Sincerely jealous. Sincerely brutal. Sincerely naughty. Sincerely vindictive. Sincerely stubborn. Sincerely difficult. I can be a sincere enemy. But then, I can be sincerely generous. Sincerely caring. Sincerely appreciative. Sincerely gracious. Sincerely funny. Sincerely forgiving. Sincerely sugar and spice and everything nice. Sincerely easy. I can be a genuine friend.
I am your sweetest witch and the biggest, blackest, baddest, wolfest piXie. Which ever role I play, that is truthfully me. Love it or hate it. I can wink and gnash my teeth on you."

I fall in, and fall out, come around and leave.  He calls me Sincerity, that's me.

at rare times, I am negotiable tho.  that's when i talk garbage.  yeah, i can be trashy, too.  not because that's my way, but because that's the kind of connection you deserve.  jusz givin it to you actually! lest, you forget, you dealin' with a smart arse bitch!  .

i'm never good at making friends.  i'm  better at keepin ' em.  i stopped mixin' em.  they're not too many anyway.  i've long ceased from trying to win over people to my side.  you got to earn the spot.   i'm easy but i aint movin'.    so it's all up to you how you gonna make it.  you got to ache for it to deserve it.  and if you do, that's how i keep you.  i don't do "unconditionals".  i only do "mutuals".  i think it's fair nuff.  i ain't God anyway.  

i'm 45.  even when the world expects me to be more tolerant with age.  i think that's belittling my lineage, my education, my gifts.   i am committed to grow old and go, and look down at anything or anyone mediocre and superficial and dishonest and incompetent and the poor in character.  while i am negotiable, there are things that cannot be compromised.  i draw the  line somewhere. i ain't crossing it.

this is my reputation,  i've come along way to build it.  sweat, blood and tears.  i intend to keep it that way.

this is how i am.  this is how i'm stitched together.  so when i do "Like" i really do.  and when i say "Lovely"  im really seeing it through my rose colored glasses.  when i get to be part of a thread its because i want to be a part of it, and so i put words together like my own masterpiece.  i don't say things for the lack of anything better to say.  and i dont talk to people just because i dont have anyone to  talk to.   i keep to myself so damn perfectly.  id rather that  i talk to my inner goddess or write or sleep or wear a poker face or tinker with anything or even play dead lol.  it cannot be forced.  when i'm engaged, its 100% or i disengage without remorse.  i still am stubbornly, painfully, insanely an all or nothing girl. i can survive being placed in a room, and you are the marshmallow i don't wanna have.  As for you, go get a puppy, get a hobby, clean your toilet. For the love of God, do something worthwhile.  Don't you get caught dead with boredom.  That's not our nature.

As for me, once written,

less than
is a
of my

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