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About Me

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I'm not a graceful person. I'm not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset. I am a Tuesday 2AM, I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis. I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen. The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don't see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Greysteele™: An after Taste

Crawl  into bed, curl up on his side, dressed in his t shirt.  Both his pillow and t shirt smell of him and as I drift off I silently  wish him safe passage home.  Para sa yo.

Grey - --- I love the first one because it was all about beginnings.   Sex is always ecstasy @ preludes (it fares badly as romance does ---  Irmaism --- when love is on the rocks, the rocks are on the bed.  Sad but true.) 
Darker ---   Dark is good.  Darker … better.  At least to me, with all the dark, 50 shades “all fucked up" me  ;).  Love setting in but not yet settling down. This is the best part about this intricate fragile intimacy.  When honesty is sincere.  And sincerity, truthful.  When Grey is about sex and all the trimming.  Darker is all about falling in love, the perks and the works, the goods and the bads.  (It’s a feeling I miss, but I’m not getting back to. --- you fall, you get hurt --- I don’t want that anymore.  I think about it sometimes.  Running through my thick impenetrable skull , I tell myself --- I’m happy for the thought that I am committed not to be
reckless anymore.)
Freed --- uhmmm what can  I say?    It went somewhere overboard to me.  Both with “too much” sex in it, and that backdrop in Grey’s life of being  hounded (not of his past, for this is understandable, he was a baby, and it was traumatic) … but his “subs” and their cohorts,  and their tremendous obsessions of him and Steele, I find preposterous, to make it politically correct .  But in my own terms, FANTASTIC!  Grey being  America’s most wanted eligible bachelor , I get.  But him being larger than Gates, Zuckerberg  and George Clooney, I don’t get.   This part could have been made realistic by the writer.  Okay the  kinky fuckery kaleidoscopic sex all the time, I can forgive alright :)

I am Katherine Kavanaugh.  If this is the movies, she's an extra, but I feel her.  Obviously , this trilogy was not about her .  I believe, her character deserves more --- somewhere sometime --- EL James could have build up on her.  With all the beauty and kindness of Steele … I find her inner goddess and Kate more intriguing, therefore, interesting.   Steele must be EL James’ alter ego or some kind of fantasy woman.  I dunno, Steele’s character bored me some times. ‘Must say,  James’ gave Grey  very limited options :).  And to me, it’s wasn’t at all about luck for Steele.  It’s about James’ imaginations of an Anastasia Rose Steele. 

I wish Kate made it to that interview. :)

But I am still a sucker for happy endings.  Hope blooms, sez Greysteele™.
(This concept is nothing but a delicious memory to me now.)

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