... my other garden ;)

About Me

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I'm not a graceful person. I'm not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset. I am a Tuesday 2AM, I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis. I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen. The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don't see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Finally, after months of drooling and planning. Last night, I successfully excused myself from OT work, a few hours of waiting while getting myself busy updating FB, a little time for budgeting, we finally, finally made it. With less than 45 minutes before closing, we got there JIT. She hurriedly splurged on the paper products, while I openly critiqued practically everything that was in it. I adored the topiaries but nahhh, not in my budget. I salivated on the lovely wall clock pieces. She ended up with a huge brown plastic bag. I got a tiny stick rag doll, two adorable wooden magnets for my fridge and a little pot of sunflower for my bath. We made the sales clerks and security extend their time. Twa's one hell of fun. She promised to come back month after month. I swore, am getting at least a foliage of orange flowers for my dining table and that girly time piece for my lavender bedroom wall next time, some time, some other time.

We said our goodbyes and immediately took the next door. Loved the pasta, white and red, a round of baked potato, and bottomless iced tea. I was hoping to find Abigoy pieces. Sadly, there was no on-going exhibit that night. Her cell was restless. We panicked. Paid the bill. And went straight to our final destination for a few bottles of lyte beer ... quick.

Marriage, relationship, Venus and Mars. Jealousy for never being a reasonable crime. Her growing anxieties. My uncontrollable fears. Being alone is unknown to her. "Alonenesz" being my comfort zone. Her wanting to stay taken. My reluctance to be swept away. The other table was trying to be too cute to get an attention. Demmet! I was too busy searching for my old flip top phone which I thought I left in my work desk.

"Irmz, you're hopelesz. He's cute, huh and he jusz wanted a number. Tsaka, you're both wearing black tops tonight. That could be a sign :)"

So that was the cue. I grabbed our stuff. And grabbed a cab. "You know, I have an early meeting tomorrow morning, and a suitcase to fill for Dagupan. And BTW, I dropped my old phone inside my jungle :) bag. Jen, am good to go. Mwah."

... and this piece was playing. "Gee, I was jusz worth a few lines from a song."

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