... my other garden ;)

About Me

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I'm not a graceful person. I'm not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset. I am a Tuesday 2AM, I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis. I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen. The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don't see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


1) Profile, on and off.   First online sighting.
2)  Destine's Will.  First mention of social/civil status.  Connection noted.  Relevance --- i didn't care.
3)  Silver Jubilee, Family Day.  First offline encounter.
4)  A couple of profiles made me suspicious.
5)  Potential new playmate.

What's happening to the world.  Teachers used to be my favorite persons in the whole wide world.  My mom being a teacher herself, long before she joined the corporate world.  A couple of my besties are top of the line educators (being topnotch students themselves when we were in still school).   Teachers helped me raised my daughter.  How could I survive educating my child without them?

Then the tribe decreases.  They begun living secret lives, and secret lives revealed via social media without any shame and guilt.  Facebook for hook ups  is forgivable but i cannot stomach their consistently wrong grammar, very poor thought process, scattered brains, palengkera stunts posted as shout outs in Facebook, hilarious and hideous, I came to a point that I hid their updates from my newsfeed, unless my friend, Maryliza would invite me for some Tylenol moments lol, and would ask me to check the blackboard :-)

Number one did not catch my attention yet.  It wasn't about somebody's Profile, getting counted or not.

Until he mentioned.  That figures.  Such a remark was a little prominent.  I didn't take it well.  I will explain later.

December 2011 was flesh and blood, and way out of my league.  I always prefer to be with my friends or 4-1 at the very least.  I'm a bit discriminating.  That's my right.  I have no regrets at all with the company I chose to be with.  I'm actually  better off.  I have zero-patience to anything mediocre and put-on. Even when I'm drunk.  Especially when I'm drunk.   I am not here to please anybody.  And I'm not easy to please myself.  Actually I do not like being pleased.  Genuinely pleasant people are natural and sincere.  Effortless.  So when there is effort, makes me uncomfortable, makes me doubt.  And when I doubt, I leave.  I either give you my 100%, or none at all.  But you know, you gotta deserve the 100%.  I have to make sure of that, otherwise, it's not worth it,

So then I was right.  Several accounts tell you a story.  I admit I had 2 Facebook accounts.  The second one was due to Destine's Will's prodding.  But you see, I am one person who really cannot divide 100% of my affection to two.  I cannot serve two masters all at the same time, with fairness and equality.  In my heart, there's just one.  It's hard enough to maintain one account, how harder it could get even if have two or more.  I have the same network anyway, and they're not too big a network.  But some people I know would have more, one for their official partners, one or two for hook-ups.

Oh well, I got dumped, I've been had, I go hurt, I was angry.

But then again, I am not the one who's still in that phase.  I was going to be 42,  and I didn't want to get my hands dirty just for casual sex.  Anger is a bad excuse.  Hurt, worse.  I got dumped but so what everybody get that in a lifetime.  I'm just a number.  I left (again).

I have one apology to make. You out there, you reading this piece.  I'm so sorry Willy.


I've always been using my maiden name in social media, one because, I do not wish to mix up my corporate identity with my personal life.   CITEM, though,  was an exemption it has a special place in my heart.  I owe a big part (a good part) of my being to CITEM.  My CITEM family was the only thing  "business" I allowed to be part of my personal life.  Nothing else came close afterwards.  Again, I'm very discriminating.

Second, people from my past, they know me by my "name".  That straight and simple. :-) .

My choice of name gave me away.  Suddenly I was bombardized with pick-up lines. But only one line got me.  Because of my "name", my claim to fame. :-(,  I broke my heart.  And it changed me.

It was too late for me to understand the psyche behind a woman's maiden name.     So I was told that it was like becoming a cult in Facebook.  Batchmates, schoolmates, classmates, old friends and exes, hooking up.  They come home to the Philippines, minus their spouses and partners, attend reunions like it was  a  big orgy!  It was ridiculous.  It was fantastic!  Insane!  That strong desire to have sex with people other than your spouse/partner, people from your innocent past.  That was the idea.  It was too late when I heard of that story.  Too late that it did not come out as a warning but pure gossiping.  

I joined and got active in social media not to turn myself into a prostitute and peddle myself to my network.  I will respect individual differences and sexual preferences but I will neither be part of anything like that nor endorse something like that.

Even when I do not subscribe to it anymore, i  still have high regards to people who are courageous enough to want to fall in love.  I take my hats off.

 My evasion plan ... go back to my married name at least in my FB, limit my interaction outside Dognuts, and CITEM and a handful of batchmates I feel I am safe with (I hope I wasn't wrong about them).  Suddenly there was peace.  No more bothersome school boys.  No more indecent proposals

Ang lake naman nang Batch 86, ilang schools ba meron sa Gapo during my time, some old folks, married, single, separated, widowed, actually regardless of civil status, there is quite a pool of potential playmates willing enough to play games.

Cuz me, my friend, --- i'm Taurus, and a dog, and raised well by my Village ...
I played for keeps.

*The End*

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